Worship Team (2nd Service)

Job Description

  • Lead the NHCC congregation in corporate worship as a vocalist or instrumentalist under the direction of the Worship Leader.

Volunteer Responsibilities

  • Attend scheduled worship team rehearsal time: typically held at 9:00am on Saturday.

  • On Sunday morning arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled service to ensure your instrument/songs sheets are in order

  • Communicate with the Worship Leader any questions about the service.

  • Model worship through your attitude and actions as you create an environment where people can connect with God. 

  • Respond to scheduling requests or find replacement for your position if needed.

Reoccurrence of Serving

  • Volunteers in this position serve in a rotating schedule, typically 2 times per month as scheduled with the worship leaders a month in advance.

  • Volunteers in this position commit to serving for 1 year at a time.