A podcast designed to bring hope to all who hear...
Explore sermons and different content from the leadership at New Hope Christian Church; designed to build HOPE in the lives of those who listen!
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The Beginning of the End 1/26/25
Due to technical difficulties, the 1/26/25 Podcast did not record completely. Please visit our Youtube channel to watch the sermon. Click here to view the service.
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived
The Gospel of Luke gives us an orderly account of the life of Jesus Christ, and engages us in the incredible story of the greatest man who ever lived. Come learn more about the birth & life of Jesus.
Take the next step
No matter where you are on your journey we invite you to “take the next step!”
A short 3-part series on the characteristics that make godly leaders for the Body of Christ.
Famous People of the Bible
Come learn important lessons from the lives of some of the most Famous People of the Bible.
THE Cost of Compromise
Compromise is necessary sometimes in life, but what about in our faith? Take a look at examples from David, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Daniel as we examine the costs of compromise and also the reward of being uncompromising in our faith. In a world where many have "exchanged the truth of God for a lie" (Romans 1:25), let us be uncompromising in our stand upon the truth of God's Word.
Just tell somebody about Jesus!
What do you do when God tells you to do something you don't want to do? What do you do when God tells you to go somewhere you don't want to go. This short series will help you learn some important lessons from the life of Jonah.
Sometimes, the burdens we carry get heavy. Thankfully, Jesus invites us in Matthew 11 to unburden ourselves from our worldly concerns and take on His burden to do His work. 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
2021 begins a new three year plan we have named “Engage.” According to Webster's Dictionary, “Engage” can mean “to induce to participate, to begin and carry on an activity, to do or take part in something, to give attention to something, and to come together and interlock.” Join with us in this series of messages as we "Engage" in Biblical Education, Connections, and Volunteer Development.
Unquenchable! Webster's dictionary defines it as "unable to be quenched." When we become Christians, the Lord starts a fire burning in our hearts, and He wants that fire to be unquenchable! His desire for us is that we have an unquenchable passion for His Word, His Work, His People, and His Purpose.
There are three beginnings in Scripture. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This beginning goes back to a beginning before all time. There is no date, and our finite minds cannot possibly comprehend a dateless beginning - but it's there. Next, there is Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." This is where we move out of eternity into time. This beginning took place some 6000 - 7000 years ago. But there is also a third beginning. Mark 1:1 says, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." This gospel, just like the creation of our world, has a beginning. It goes back to Jesus Christ, at the precise moment He took on human flesh and became a man. Jesus Christ is the gospel! He is the Good News! Come as we begin a new series of messages from the Gospel of Mark, called THE BEGINNING OF THE GOSPEL!
Jesus told us in John 16:33, "In this world you will have trouble." And indeed we do. It seems, though, when those troubles come, we tend to focus on the circumstances and the situations of those troubles. But at the end of the day, it’s not about the circumstances or situations; it’s about where we’re looking. God’s Word teaches us that the secret to true joy and perseverance is not to fix our eyes on our problems, but to fix our eyes on Jesus in the midst of them.
If there was ever something that is "Today's Help and Tomorrow's Hope" it is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection gives us a message of hope to share with others. It puts the "good" in the "good news." It puts the power in the gospel! And it gives hope to the hopeless!
Of all the characters that surround the crucifixion of Jesus, Barabbas is the one we know the least about but the one we may have the most in common with. Here's why.
If you could ask God one question, what would it be. Several members of New Hope responded with their questions for God. This series will deal with answers to their questions.
This month we will take a look at the four adult generations that attend New Hope Christian Church; The Builders, The Boomers, The Gen X Generation, and the Milennials. The more we know of each other, the better we can love each other. All of us need each of us. Come see why.
What do Legos and people have in common? Both are designed to connect. We are created in the image and likeness of God and designed to connect and have meaningful relationships. Our new 3 Year Strategic Plan is called CONNECT. Our goal is to connect with people that are not connected to God through Evangelism. We want to connect with one another so we can become like Jesus through Discipleship. And we want to connect with the Next Generation in order to pass on a legacy of faith. Come join us, and let's CONNECT!
In John 1:9, the Apostle John refers to Jesus this way: "The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world." What do you do with that light? Come learn how to Shine, Give, Reflect, and Celebrate the Light!
This is stand alone message form 1 Thessalonians 3. It is an inspiring message highlighting the necessity for encouragement towards brothers and sisters in Christ.
Who is God? What is He like? Is He concerned about me? Does He see what's going on in my life? This series will help you answer those questions.
This series explores the reasons we so eagerly want to connect with the "next generation," and also deals with some practical steps we can take in order to connect. It is part of New Hope's vision to pass on our legacy of faith to the next generation!
The strange, funny world of Parables. It's where sometimes the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. And there are strange endings, and odd things, and open-ended stuff. What are we to say about these upside-down stories of Jesus about the dynamic reign of God in the world? Come find out.
Evangelism is a vital part of our Connect 3-year plan. This five week series will encourage us to pray, build relationships with the unconnected, and learn how to share the good news of Jesus with others.
How do you establish the value of a godly mother? You can't! She is priceless! Here's a reminder to all of us just how important and special moms really are.
Money isn’t good, and money isn’t bad. But, just like any worldly thing, it can turn into something harmful, or even dangerous if we’re not careful. We must come to grips with ownership theology. Come learn how to be a better manager of what God has entrusted you with.
The Jews of Jesus' time could not accept the fact that the Messiah must die on a cross. And still today, most people choose not to believe the Gospel. Don't make that mistake!
As Christians, we live in difficult times. Everywhere we turn, our faith is under attack. No where is this more true than when it comes to our families. Whether you realize it or not, our families are under siege. This series will help us in our fight for our families.
What do Legos and people have in common? Both are designed to connect. We are created in the image and likeness of God and designed to connect and have meaningful relationships. Our new 3 Year Strategic Plan is called CONNECT. Our goal is to connect with people that are not connected to God through Evangelism. We want to connect with one another so we can become like Jesus through Discipleship. And we want to connect with the Next Generation in order to pass on a legacy of faith. Come join us, and let's CONNECT!
PUT off your old self
Have you been trying to grow in Christ but feel like you keep hitting a wall? Have you been trying the same things over and over again with no success? If so, it's time for a change! Put off the old self, change your attitude, and put on the new self!
The Wonder of Christmas!
Have you ever taken the time to wonder why the birth of Jesus happened as it did? Why did he choose Mary? Why didn't Joseph walk away? Why a manger? Why inform shepherds? Why a star? Why bring Wisemen from afar? Oh, the Wonder of Christmas! This series will help you understand the whys.
This series deals with the hopelessness of the world in which we find ourselves living. However, as believers we have a Hope that not only sustains us, but that helps us thrive! As believers living in this "hopeless" time we live pointing others to the Hope of Christ.
Who are we at New Hope Christian Church? What makes us tick? What is it that drives us as a church? What's at the heart of it all? What are we all about? This series of messages will answer those questions as we focus on our Vision, Mission, and Core Values for New Hope Christian Church.
Core Values
All In
As a Christ follower, are you "all in?" When it comes to following the words of Jesus we should give everything we have, all of our resources! We should be "all in" in our faith.
Crazy Idea
As Christ followers, we should have some of the 'craziest' ideas in our culture. The way we live our life should not conform to the patter of this world (Romans 12:2), therefore make it seem like we are crazy! The way we give, should appear crazy. The way we love, especially those who hate us, should appear crazy. We explore what it means to have crazy ideas, and what Jesus does with those who have crazy ideas.
Storms of life
Gary Johnson, from The Creek in Indianapolis, came to share with us about maintaining our faith even when the storms of life hit us hard. He explores Paul's shipwreck in Acts 27:13-26, and teaches us about how to stay grounded in our faith when we encouter these hard times.