Fasting---Google’s definition of fasting is to “abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink as a religious observance”. Not saying Google is wrong or right, but fasting is more than just going without something. It’s about taking something away and replacing it with something more, something better.
When I decided to give up Facebook it felt kind of like a joke. Like “I don’t spend that much time on Facebook”. But now that I am 20 days into it, it feels good, I spend more time reading my Bible app, praying; I even decided to exercise with my wife. I feel almost free. Not to say that I still don’t want to “troll” Facebook, because I do.
In place of Facebook I have been reading a 40-day plan called “40 Days of Lent.” It is about the last days that Jesus walked on this earth. It spends most of the time in Matthew talking about parables Jesus teaches. Don’t take time for granted, get your life right now because you are not guaranteed tomorrow.
God bless,
Lance Grimes