Before you come to place your vote to accept Andy Millis into the New Hope Family as the Youth Minister, we hope you take advantage of this time to Meet Andy Millis!

Saturday, May 24th between 9am-12noon
Saturday, May 30th between 9am-12noon

The Youth Minister Search Committee and NHCC Leadership would like to provide opportunity for you to meet Andy and his family before the vote on Sunday. We will be practicing social distancing and so we would like for you to sign up for the time you plan to come and visit.

Youth Minister M & G Online Img 1.PNG

Drive-Through Voting will take place Sunday, May 31st

How we plan to vote:

Between the hours of 1pm and 4pm on Sunday afternoon (May 31st), drive to the New Hope parking lot. Members of the New Hope Leadership team will direct you where to drive and will hand you a ballot through your car window. After you have placed your vote, simply hand the ballot back through your car window to be collected. Votes are anonymous.

Those who hand out the ballots will practice social distancing guidelines as closely as possible for your safety.

Please sign up by calling the church office from 8am-12pm, Monday-Friday @ 618-945-9363.